A Better Solution: UV or UV+Ozone Combination
Just like sunlight, Ultraviolet light (UV) destroys pathogens like cryptosporidium and Giardia in water along with other potentially harmful microorganisms. Using ultraviolet light for drinking water treatment is one of the EPA's approved methods to protect drinking water from an array of pathogens.
Additional Benefits of UV+Ozone over Filtration
UV or UV+Ozone combination is a proven methodology used in many other major U.S. cities and can be implemented for an estimated cost of $100 to $150 million - a fraction of the Portland Water Bureau's (PWB) planned filtration cost. Benefits of UV or UV+Ozone include:
UV or UV+Ozone combination is a proven methodology used in many other major U.S. cities and can be implemented for an estimated cost of $100 to $150 million - a fraction of the Portland Water Bureau's (PWB) planned filtration cost. Benefits of UV or UV+Ozone include:
- EPA approved solution
- The PWB already spent $16 million to design a UV treatment facility specifically to meet the EPA rules
- Does not require the many additional chemicals typically added with filtration plants
- Could be completed years sooner
- Does not require $200 million for new pipelines
- Could be added at Headworks, which would not require extensive new conduits, greatly reducing costs and shortening construction time
- Reduces environmental impact
- No additional waste to landfills
- Seattle, San Francisco, and New York use UV filtration systems (See below)
Seattle - Cedar UV+Ozone Treatment Facility
San Francisco - Hetch Hetchy Treatment Facility
New York - Catskill-Delaware UV Water Treatment Facility