Someone once said "You can't fight city hall."
We beg to differ.
There are plenty of examples of citizens successfully pushing a back a government that has lost site
of what it's purpose is: to be servants of the people.
One example is the fight to add flouride in the water right here in Portland.
Everyone thought it was a done deal.
But the citizens rose up, spoke up, and their push back was successful!
This filtration plant does not need to happen. There are more fiscally responsible options.
So now is your time to speak up.
Help us get the truth out and effect change.
Your donation here will help fund a media campaign as we seek a solution
that is safe and affordable for all.
We do not seek financial support for our personal efforts,
but we do need help funding the development & marketing aspect of this campaign.
All donations will be used to inform the Portland community, and encourage their involvement.
Any amount helps!
We know times are tight.
But just think of how much more difficult they will be
if the PWB builds a filtration plant
that will exponentially increase you water rates!
So $20, $50, $100, +
whatever you can do to support the cause would be greatly appreciated!
We have chosen to partner with PdxReal to run our media campaign.
Make a Venmo donation to help get the word out here: (Please note it as #PdxWater)
And if you would like to make a separate donation to the LEGAL FUND please do so under
Support the Legal Fund button here.